Obchodní podmínky

Tržní vykonání
Tržní vykonání
Tržní vykonání
EdgePlovoucí spready
Minimum: 1,154.00Průměr: 1,239.34
Market Hours*Open Now
Market Hours*Open Now
Limitní a stop úroveň250
1 tick hodnota0.001
Minimální velikost kontraktu0.01 lot
velikost jedné dávky1 SOL
hodnota 1 PIP na 1 dávku v USD0.001 USD
Minimální krok pro zvýšení velikosti kontraktu0.01 lot
Požadavky na marži k otevření a uzamčení pozice*0
Režim vykonáníMarket (irrelevant of platform or Account type)

* Jen pokud je úroveň marže > 100%

The average spreads provided for each platform are updated on a daily basis to reflect the average for the previous day. Though FxPro attempts to provide competitive spreads during all trading hours, clients should note that these may vary and are susceptible to underlying market conditions. The above is provided for indicative purposes only. Clients are advised to check important news announcements on our Economic Calendar, which may result in the widening of spreads, amongst other instances.

Výše uvedená rozpětí jsou použitelné za běžných obchodních podmínek. Společnost FxPro má právo na změnu výše uvedených spreadů podle tržních podmínek dle „Obchodních podmínek“.


Solana appeared in 2017 thanks to the efforts of developers and software engineers from California and the CIS. Behind their talents is work in Qualcomm, Dropbox, and in the field of compression algorithms. Solana was first created by Anatoly Yakovenko, who was later joined by Eric Williams and Greg Fitzgerald. They set themselves to increase the network bandwidth and make it more heavily loaded and faster. The leading cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum, are still facing similar problems.

The work was carried out so thoroughly that after the very first real tests, large investors appeared on the horizon, such as CMCC Global, Foundation Capital and others.

An interesting point of the project is that the SOL altcoin is based on a unique synchronised mechanism. It assigns a timestamp to each operation, which means that miners and bots can no longer determine the order of records in the blockchain network.

If you follow the ambitious positioning of the creators, Solana is a global market, similar to the New York Stock Exchange. It is open, fair, and free from any censorship.

By mid-2021, more than 272 million Solana coins had been released to the market. Less than half is left before the final number: in total, it plans to issue about 488.6 million tons.